Thursday, January 22, 2009


I can't help but put this up. Classic kid fun. They don't require much for entertainment.


Jen and Alec said...

Hooray! I was hoping you would post--Cael is so dang cute and big! And when did Seth turn into a man, and a very handsome one at that? Man, we're getting old. We neet to chat soon!

Brian and Melissa Finley said...

Ok, I would reprimand you for taking so long between your posts, but if you ever check our website than you know I have no right to talk :) That aside, it is so fun to see everyone. And I tried to recognize Seth, little Seth, but really I just can't even believe that he is that old. Wasn't he like 9 when we first met? Yes, Jen has it right, we are getting too old. You're the scientist; can't you figure out how to turn back time? :) Miss and love you guys! With any luck, we'll get to see you all this summer.....ooh, the thought gets me so excited!!

Refugee Crafter said...

Cael totally cracks me up in this movie. I love that HUGE smile and the way his little arms pump.