Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Big News

Maga and Paga are treating us to Disneyland at Thanksgiving time. I have never encountered three more thrilled girls. Maga sent them a brochure to appease their appetites for more stories of Disneyland, and we read it as their bedtime story the night it arrived. This is the scene I encountered early in the morning when I walked in the door after jogging the next day. (This picture is not posed.)


TeamTillman said...

This picture was worth the price of admission.

Brian and Melissa Finley said...

So cute...there's nothing like the excitement of a child. And jogging? Liz, that isn't like you:) Don't you have a jar of peanut butter...or Crisco to eat instead:)? Just kidding, I'm way impressed. Maybe I'll get some running in this week...lets think very optimistically!

Lance and Kristi said...

You should come by and visit when you are out here...we live quite close to Disneyland. Love to read your blog.